Friday, November 25, 2011

"Quid est Veritas?" What is Truth?

"Pilate said to Him, "What is Truth?" (John 18:38)

     We have looked at a few methods in which our common enemy employ's in order to vanquish our union with our Father. We have shown how the prince of the powers of the air (Ephesians 2:2) will occupy our thoughts with doubt concerning our own place in this world by way of challenging us intellectually as to our authentic dignity as being children of the Most High. We have also written exclusively on how this "murderer" (John 8:44) so eloquently deceives us into believing that the Blessed Trinity is holding out on us and desires not our happiness but our misery. This, of course, he does by magnifying our own base, fallen and prideful desires above reason and,therefore, above God Himself. Being a superior being, Satan and the rest of the fallen angels (demons), often have success in advancing their agenda because of the mere ignorance of Gods chosen. Without knowing what hit them many Christians are overcome by his wicked advancements and are brought deeper into themselves instead of deeper into Jesus Christ, their savior. Satan's trickery is masterful and cunning. It is pleasing to the senses and, sadly, seems 'reasonable' whenever viewed outside of divine revelation. Take note, once again, and we stress this, that if not firmly rooted into your faith and in love with Jesus, you will be easily overwhelmed and whatever the devil suggests will seem truthful and innocent. It will appear to you as a light but in reality it's darkness. Without a complete distrust of self and full confidence in God we are like a ship without sails being tossed about at the winds command. We will have no direction and all will be an utter blur until we eventually capsize unto our our own ruin.
     In this blog we will discuss another unique means Satan uses to steer us away from God and lead us deeper into despair. This way is far more (if that's possible) demanding than what we've discussed previously and requires more focus at attention to detail. Something which, in today's world, no one seems to have the time for nor do few inquire about. We are referring to Truth.
     St. Peter, in his second epistle, tells us, "false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction." (2 Peter 2:1) This aspect of spiritual warfare plays on the very shoulders of what we discussed earlier. Once the deception unto 'self' has been accomplished our adversary builds upon his foul foundation another building block of ruin. This we have called the "Distorted Reflection". It is likened to looking into a fun-house mirror. The true mirror reflects the Truth, Jesus Christ, in His fullness. This distorted-fun house mirror does indeed reflect Truth, however,  but not truth in reality as God has established it. Or at best, the 'truth' it does contain it deforms and causes all who look into it to see a distorted reflection of self, truth and real reality.
     Distorted reflection teaches half-truths. It can appear at face value to be absolute but when examined closely it doesn't contain everything needed to be the full Truth. For instance, many world religions outside of Christianity have many "truth's". They speak of revealed truth but do not claim it as from the one true God. They except one truth and reject another making the truth they do except a real truth but half understood. Truth works like that, it is natural, it can bee seen and understood and in most cases without the aid of faith but by reason alone. By conscience as well. All of which has been established by God for the sake of men. All revealed truth made by God and revealed to men is interconnected in one form or another. Whether it be the natural law or the moral law, truth works and operates collectively as a whole. This is why our society accepts stealing and murder as wrong but rejects such things as abortion or euthanasia.
     Satan thrives in distorted reflections. Although he himself is foreign to truth (John 8:44) he can use truth to lead people to lies. This method in which the father of lies works is the most destructive and causes the most damage in the world. Things can appear right and just at surface level but once you dig deep you will begin to see missing pieces. So many people are led astray simply by acknowledging half truths based on what they've seen or heard but take it no further. The intellectual dullness of modern society is something that begins in childhood and evolves as we grow. Especially in western society with the teaching of relativism in the school system and the general synapses of modern media.
     Sadly, this distorted reflection appears on a grand scale in Christianity as well. Not only in the breaking off of Christianity that happened during the Protestant revolt in the 16th century but also within the very walls of our Catholic Church. Protestantism (I speak here namely on Protestantism and not the Eastern Church because the divide within Protestantism and Catholicism is wider and more dangerous) in it's many forms has indeed helped many in forming their conscience to real truth but has done such damage to not only the believer for failing to adhere to the fullness of the truth as established by Christ and found only in the Catholic Church but, also, for confusing secular society as to the truth about truth. How can so many "churches" claim to have the truth when they disagree on so many vital details of what that truth actually is? Perhaps another blog in itself for another time but the point we are trying to make here is that if reality, if truth is to be understood in the way in which God has shown us we need to look no further then the Catholic Church. Her teachings are established by Jesus, the Truth Himself, and are eternal and unchangeable.
     Within our very own walls we see division as well. The Catholic Church is in a dangerous point in human history. Many bishops, priests and laymen are opposed to the true teachings of Christ and His Church and adhere to whatever they personally feel is truth. A good majority our schools and universities are awful examples of Catholicism; corroded with secularism and treated as a business rather than a place to grow closer to God. However, as Jesus Christ promised, the gates of hell shall never prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18)We have been given the eyes to see this and the ears to hear this blatant disarray at work. It is a call for all of us, in love of God, to work even more diligently in the work of God and His divine kingdom.

So what ought we to do?

To know the truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth means to know Jesus. The whole Jesus and nothing but Jesus! The fullness of Christ can only be found in the Catholic Church. Lead a life of constant communion with the Blessed Trinity through prayer, devotion and the sacraments. Establish a real relationship with Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and she will help you more than you think in advancing to truth and wisdom. Everything here on earth is to be used as a means to arrive at our true home in heaven. If we do not see (or better yet adhere to) the truth we will not arrive at the very place which God desires for us and has paved the way for us to get there. There will be many crosses and many trials along the way but to be firmly rooted in the Truth of Jesus Christ means safety and security while we await our blessed hope!

Copyright 2011 A New Voice for Broken Souls

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